I am getting ready to leave for an art show in Fairhope, Alabama. It's one of my favorite places to go because there is a wonderful campground there out in the woods. I have a 17 ft. Casita travel trailer - that's how I get around to various art shows and take my little house with me. I travel with a cat, Lutu, a snowshoe Siamese. She clawed herself a pet door in the screen door of the travel trailer, so when we arrive at a campground, I just let her roam. She always comes back to the trailer.
At this campground in Alabama they raise goats. Lutu is scared of goats. She will stalk deer as if she were a lioness, but she runs from a goat. (So far the deer have been pretty safe, though. Lutu is small, even for a cat.)
This is Lutu's 6th year of travelling with me. She hops in my van like a dog. Once I drove to the grocery store not aware that Lutu had hopped in the van. When I opened the door, she hopped out - in the supermarket parking lot! Not a good place for a kitty. Fortunately, I grabbed her and put her back in the van.